01 Sep What is a Starseed?
A soul who has incarnated from other dimensions in order to assist the earth in its evolution, is commonly known as a starseed. However, from my perspective, we all carry the entire history of our galactic heritage in our DNA, therefore as human beings we are all Starseeds – so you are a Starseed if you choose to see yourself that way.
Starseed origins are a bit of an illusion. We have all had a journey of separation from the whole, and that is in one sense our history. This means the information from *all* races are embedded in our DNA and can be activated at any point. It is only the ego that wants to define and label so that it feels secure. Ultimately we have the power over what we are expressing if we take responsibility for our experience.
I say I am a ‘Lyran Starseed’ because I express the programs most associated with the Lyran civilisation *at this time*. This has been fairly fundamental to my experience so far, but there are many other races I identify with and express. There are usually key star races that we resonate in a lifetime, but this can change as we bring balance to our internal dynamics and move into new experiences. We were never created to stay the same.
As human beings, we were the only species that could hold the memory of all that has gone before. This means that we are the only species that have the potential to heal the conflict of the past as we carry it all within. As we develop a more conscious of our connection to a wider universe, we heal from an experience of separation, and generate a more respectful connection within ourselves and with our supporting environment.
We can heal the galactic karma of the past, but from the inside out. That is to say, to do this purely for ourselves through our *inspired experience*, rather than to ‘save the world’ or ‘for the benefit of others’, our healing journey has great impact.
The psychological programmes associated with each star race are important to recognise as we express them in different areas of our experience. With this consciousness, and a willingness to move more deeply into our experience, we can bring balance to the polarities within and effortlessly redirect our energy in new ways.
Knowing what star races we resonate with in the present can raise our consciousness of how we are creating our life situation, and helps us resolve internal conflicts so we can create something new. Their energy is neither ‘good’ or ‘bad’ – it is purely how we perceive these ancient programmes that create our experience of them. The idea of there even being any polarity such as this is an illusion that is created by ourselves. Every race has had a period of evolution where they have seen both sides of the coin and they would not be complete without that. It is through accepting the whole that we begin to heal and evolve.
By discovering how these psychological programmes operate within our experience, we can experience ourselves at a deeper level and change our lives in a way that we prefer. This is how we transform our programming – by moving beyond the confines of the mind and what we intellectually know, into an open space where we can recieve the whole and it’s eternal possibility.
If you would like to explore how this operates in your psychology with me in more depth, contact us to schedule a session.