20 Jun Solar Eclipse Energy Report 21st June 2020
Solar Eclipse Energy Report
We have a ring of fire in the sky on the 21st June with a New Moon & Solar Eclipse at 0° Cancer. This transition brings focus to our sense of self, our home and sense of security.
This gateway also highlights the end of a 26,000-year Mayan calendar cycle, which is a moment of major galactic alignment and a collective karmic timeline shift. A huge portal is opening right now for transformative downloads to be received. It is a powerful point which brings a definite ending as well as a beginning.
When I look at this new moon I see a pale yellow and green light, suggesting freshness, regeneration, and a clear heart energy. To me, it feels like a moment where we begin to see our way forward after an intense few months. Light is starting to shine through, plans are starting to be put in place and a little more clarity is emerging.
Old karmic patterns are being burned to dust and it’s time to take a fresh approach and actions towards goals now. There is also a sense of relief as the heaviness is behind us and there is an opening to see how we are going to shine forward. We may also may find it easier to breathe. What we see for ourselves may not be what we expect as our sense of self is being transformed, but our newfound goals will feel very right.
My guides tell me that the energy coming in is supporting us to transform old karmic patterns that have been creating particular perceptions of ourselves. This is a deeply cleansing energy that is lifting us of old timelines and bringing about a complete shedding of our karmic skin. When our consciousness evolves in this way, we are able to receive a whole new set of light codes and energetic information that is essential to the evolution of this planet at this time.
The new space that we are entering is more refined and delicately structured. As we settle into this space, focussed action to manifest our hearts truth will be easier and we will be able to make our choices in a more sensitive and discerning way. This is the beginning of the actualization of the new, reformed self after all the hard work of the last cycle. It’s time to embrace new beginnings.

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