To be centred in our vulnerability is great strength. It’s also where we’re most protected as we are able to truly transform energy in this space.
With no resistance there is only peace, our energy field is clear and we are open to receive.
The energy field is healthiest when it is transforming energy. For that is must be continually receiving, releasing and exchanging energy with the environment. If there are blocks they can be felt as densities within energy field. They are simply what has been resisted or rejected.
In the moment of softening in a session, I see any densities being transformed by the clients chakra system before the energy gets sent down to the earth.
We transform our blocks, not an external source. Angels, Guides, Helpers and so on are simply projections of who we already are. As we take a deeper responsibility for our experience our energy field has everything it needs to transform any challenging experience.
From working with the mechanics of the energy field for over 16 years, I have watched this process occur in the energy field many times. Protection does not come through more resistance which is why I never place myself in a ‘protective’ bubble to cut myself off from the world.
It is our softening that brings us strength. In that space our immune system is free to function. Our energy field expands outwards in the space around us, and radiates further the healthier we are.
So, if you’re feeling stuck –
What are you resisting?
What do you not want to face?
Take the answer and connect to the eternal softness within you – this is where we find our peace.
If you would like to explore this more in depth with me contact us to book a session.