It’s a Gemini new moon coming up on Friday 22nd of May.
When I did a channelled energy reading for its collective influence, I saw delicate blue and green lights dancing towards me. I heard that these are a calming, soothing support for us in our current collective condition – they are helping us to find a level of peace in group consciousness after recent events.
These lights then transformed into a deep blue oval energy field, with an inwardly reflective nature, suggesting that the energy of this new moon is about grounding in peace by enhancing our connection to our spiritual flow in an internally reflective way. I felt that this image also expressed an element of Neptune, the sea god & planet, as it is supporting us as a collective to connect with our depths, while helping us to maintain a level of objectivity with whatever we find.
It’s almost as if we are being given a chance to experience our new reformed blueprint, after recent collective events. Now may not be quite the right time to act on this blueprint, as we need to experience it first, but the energy coming in is supporting us to be patient and detached with this process.
This new moon is in Gemini – there will be an emphasis on communication but it won’t be ‘fickle’, like Gemini’s ruler mercury, it will be a slower, more solid and grounded energy exchange, and it won’t leave us feeling overwhelmed. There must be some grounding aspect to this moon to make this happen – I checked and it does have a complementary aspect to Saturn which would support this energy.
I don’t think really need cards for this but I do love pictures…. (one day I’ll make my own!) ….. so I then drew some cards from the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot…
What new beginning is coming in with this new moon?
So, (referencing the above ), this is an energy that helps us to keep calm in the storm. It supports us in being deeply aware of our emotions and reflect on our responses without allowing them to control us. There’s a lot of energy around but the King of Cups supports us to effectively manage how we respond to it.
From this space we are able to patiently wait for divine timing to express ourselves. Here we can let go into the flow of events without being overwhelmed or pressured to act in the immediacy of the moment.
We can ask ourselves what we feel we need to do next to get ourselves organised after the recent collective upheaval of events and wait patiently for the right moment to put our plans into action.
How will we, as a collective, experience the new beginning of this new moon?
Things may feel like they are moving slowly, but when results come they will feel solid and sustainable. It’s still feels like a time to plan ahead and take a careful and considered approach before making any investments or moves right now. There is no need to rush, we can take our time to plan ahead to secure some solid foundations for the future.
Both these Kings are of receptive elements (water & earth), suggesting quite a passive, peaceful but steady energy in coming in with this new moon.
Sarah x
Personal Readings available – contact to book.