04 Sep Healing by Letting Go
A few years ago, I burnt out badly. In the process of picking myself up, I had a second severe burnt out, without having recovered from the first. I had to stop – I had no choice.
At the time, I knew how I was designed to function via the Human Design system. To have this insight was a complete blessing and a strong starting point. To actually live my authentic design was another story. From this point I had to take responsibility and do the inner work necessary to re-align.
In the end, this involved a lot of psychological deconditioning. I unlearned many subconscious programs that were driving me to behave in a way I was simply not meant to function. This was not through an analytical process, but through running energy audio activations on myself to shift and align my energy field, restorative Yoga and dietary modifications.
Eventually I noticed that when I really let myself stop the phone would ring, I emails would arrive and people would turn up at my door. When I was completely open to receive, it was as if energy was free to move and things would start rolling. Sleeping in the middle of the day the became a regular thing too, without giving myself a hard time about it, so my body could pick up. The quiet moments were like creating windows for light to get in.
Over time I began to trust in this process as I began to see more concrete results. I realized that I could do less and achieve more. I also learned that self-healing comes with trusting in a universal flow and listening to the signals of the body. There is nothing more powerful than our magnetism when we are in full alignment with ourselves. Making space to receive is an essential part of that process. This is when we draw in what’s truly nourishing for us.
We are culturally conditioned to believe that if we don’t constantly act and plan to manifest our goals nothing will happen. But quite the opposite is true, *waiting* is our time to receive as this space is when we integrate and open to new incoming energy.
When we consciously barge forward in a certain direction, who is to say that the goals we have created are even in alignment with us? Our ego creates ideas driven by the subconscious mind that may, or may not serve us. We never know exactly what we are creating because our actions are 95% driven by what we can’t see, and it’s impossible define true inspiration from ego inspiration for this reason.
There are however ways to work with our subconscious to clear old programming so we can gear ourselves towards the former and hope for the best.
This is one approach I like to take:
☐ If it flows, if it’s easy, if it feels exciting, if it feeds and nourishes you then it’s mostly likely for you.
☐ If not, stop, realign and *wait* to receive another path.
Teaching others how to receive is really essence of my work, probably because it is has become my journey too. So often we set an intention, forge ahead in a blaze of action to manifest it and then forget to receive the results. Then we wonder why we can’t create things for ourselves.
When we experience this, we are actually running on programs that tell us if we rest, we will never get anywhere, or manifest anything. This is just old conditioning telling us that we are not worthy to receive what we desire by simply being in our own presence. In other words, we are telling ourselves that we are not enough.
Our bodies are so much more intelligent that we ever give them credit for. Exhaustion, illness and anxiety are the first signs that we are dropping out of alignment. These experiences are so valuable because they are the body telling us when to stop. When we struggle to honour the bodies cries, we must clear:
☐ Addictions to the habits we have created that don’t serve us.
☐ The subconscious programming that drives us to create these habits.
☐ The resistances we have to self-love, self-worth and creating healthy boundaries.
Phew. This might sound like a lot, but it is actually the simplest thing in the world to love ourselves for who we truly are, if we can let it be so.
Self-love is created when we set healthy boundaries in terms of how much we allow external influences to control our experience. However, external influences are not always so easy to consciously disconnect from because many of them have been internalized and are buried deep within the subconscious mind. This means that we must learn to unplug from them and let go in another way.
Letting go is not a logical process, or one we can control as we are far deeper than we will ever know. We are continually replenishing systems and there must be space within our energy field for new energy to feed us, and for our manifestations to crystallize. In order to truly receive we must let go, and we let go by allowing ourselves to *wait* in peace, without judgement or expectation, so energy has room to shift.
If we let ourselves release through our experience in this way, and assume a humble position, healing will go much deeper. This is because by simply allowing ourselves to receive, we are releasing our expectations on what exactly healing should be for us. By acknowledging ourselves as the vast, limitless beings that we are, we create an opening for new, aligned possibilities to manifest, and when we are not trying to choose with our minds, we are open to receive what is authentic and nourishing for us in the present.
Feelings are programs too and they speak in ways the conscious mind can’t always understand. Sitting with them in a focussed space can clear millions of belief systems all at once. I’m not referring to meditation – this is a different form of focussed work that I am trained to facilitate when I work with others. In effect, this work actually helps to neutralize our responses to memories that are held in our cells from the Akashic Record Timelines and the DNA. It brings us more completely into the present moment so we can manifest more of the life we prefer.
Self-love is when we accept all possible aspects of ourselves in this present moment, and hold a space for those aspects to move and breathe through us. Self-love is letting go. When we improve our relationship with ourselves in this way, we strengthen our magnetism and attract more of what is right for us.
To do this, we must accept full responsibility for our entire experience – the good and the bad, as well as a making a clear commitment to look and feel deep within. By learning to unconditionally hold a space for *all* that we are, from a position where are not entangled in our own drama, we can deeply decondition the subconscious mind and free ourselves to follow our flow in life without interruption.