24 Nov Demystifying The Akashic Records
A common misconception about the Akashic Records is that they only contain information about past lives. Past lives are of course a key aspect of the Akashic Records, but they also cover a much broader range of information.
The Akashic Records are actually a memory bank and they are where we inherit our PROGRAMMING – that is, our belief systems and emotional responses. This programming is expressed and transferred through our Genetics and DNA (ancestral heritage), our Timeline (past/ present/future lives) and the Collective Group Consciousness. The Akashic Records therefore hold information from all of these areas.
Imaginations are also Akashic Records as they are memories too – often of the future. When we work with magical beings, speak to crystals or work with frequency in any way, we are really working with aspects of the Akashic Records, which are also aspects of ourselves.
What we remember is what we are to work with, heal and integrate. This can be presented to us in physical or emotional feelings (which are also programmes), dreams, visions or the chatter that runs over in the mind. These programmes are mostly deeply subconscious, but they still drive the experiences that we manifest today.
We are entirely responsible for how much we let our memories affect us, but often we cannot halt their influence through our rational mind alone. It can even become a hinderance to transformation and release when we begin to push too hard with the mind in this way.
As an experienced Medical Intuitive, one of my fascinations is of how Akashic Memory is held within the body, how this affects the way our body functions and what we create for ourselves.
Our body is essentially a crystallization of our subconscious programming, therefore being able acknowledge how we feel inside our body is so important. By becoming conscious of how we physically feel, we can transform our psychological state and therefore our magnetism. It was never a problem when we were a child, but inherited programming can affect out ability to connect with the body in a respectful way. Therefore it can take some deconditioning in order to sensitize ourselves again in this way.
Tension in the body is essentially programming. It becomes a deeper problem when it becomes a habit and our sense of what is ‘normal’ becomes restricted. In this situation we hold ourselves back on may different levels as we forget what it feels like to be free of tension. This affects our immune system and therefore our entire functioning becomes impaired. The medical term for the study of this area is ‘psychoimmunology’, which acknowledges the inseparable mind-body connection.
The body is a mirror of our subconscious, which is also our inner child. The struggles of the inner child can manifest in the body as discomfort or disease. Transmuting conflicting memory held within the body frees the inner child and reconditions us to express more of who we truly are, without hindrance, in the present. This is an incredibly liberating experience, and one that doesn’t require analysis. Simply a willingness to receive moves us deeper into this space. With this experience the immune system is free to function more effectively as the body can fulfill its innate wisdom, drive and ability to heal itself.
Being open to receive does not require analysis or ‘work’, therefore sometimes we must unlearn old belief systems buried deep in the subconscious that may interfere with our ability to do this. To relearn and understand our inherent magic, and our ability to attract what we we need without struggle so that transformation can take place, requires us to let go and connect with an expereince that lies beyond words.
The memories held within the body can be ancestrally related for example, the Liver may carry the programmes of the mother, and the Spleen those of the father, and affects the way they interact with the rest of the system. At other times an organ may be processing the memory of injury from a past life trauma, which affects how it’s energy flow manifests for us today on a symbolic, emotional and physical level.
A common karmic experience I come accross is trauma to the throat. In this situation blocks may be experienced in personal expression. Speaking truth can also be an issue due to fear of persecution or healthy boundaries can be difficult to set in place. A karmic injury to spleen may manifest as worry, obsession, an inability to let things go. Stagnation in the general energy flow of life and body can also occur, leaving a sensation of feeling ‘stuck’.
In a session I see great weights being lifted from the body as it is liberated to function in a more coherent way. This is often experienced as a sense of deep relaxation, or even a heaviness, as the body grounds more fully into a state of release. Shifts often come as a physical sensation as awakening occurs. At this point the body and the subconscious realign in a very deep space, which frees us to create more of what supports our authenticity in the present without struggle. Cases vary widely, this just gives an idea of how old energy patterns can still subconsciously affect us today and what happens as the response to these memories are neutralized.
Acknowledging the value of the answers that come through our physical experience without question helps us to transform at a deeper level. We may not always intellectually understand what has happened in this process, but we feel different as a result. External events may just not trigger us in the same way and it can simply become easier to manifest the things that truly support us.
When I work with clients, I see aspects of their souls history imprinted in their energy field. I work with those imprints to bring them into the light so they can be transformed into a supportive energy source. A deep love lives beneath any internal conflict, and once we reach a point of neutrality, that underlying energy can be released and become a source of nourishment.
Our Akashic Records (physiological, psychological and soul memories), show us what we need to integrate in order to move into a new experience. The topic of focus, or belief system/s are only ever the tip of the iceberg as we are vaster than we will ever comprehend. They are however an appropriate ‘hook’, as they carry the appropriate resonance and frequency that the subconscious needs in order to free itself from many cycles.
When presented with the correct frequency, we can take a timeline jump into the next stage of our evolution. In this process we transcend and transmute many obstacles at lightning speed by allowing the light of consciousness to move into our experience. It has been my gift to be able to deliver this insight to others and I find that by working with the Akashic Records, a space is held for the transformation of the perception of, and response to, MEMORY. The result of this is that we become free to change what we create for ourselves in the present.
The Akashic Records are essentially the history held within our body at a cellular level – our memories and imaginations, all of which are tools to guide us into a more enhanced experience of wholeness – if we understand how to work with them.