At first glance this flower said ‘compassion’, ‘sacral chakra’ then ‘Quan Yin’.

I’m not so great with the names of flowers so when I asked my green fingered mother to help me out she pointed out that this was a Rhododendron and it genetically originated from China.

It would be fitting as the flower seems to express the energy of Ascended Master quanyin who is a Buddhist deity that emphasises the energy of compassion and mercy. Her level of compassion demonstrates the fierce instinctual energy of motherhood, when a mother knows exactly what to do for her child to protect it so that it can survive.

This fierce motherly protective reaction is really connected with the sacral chakra where we feel our ‘gut instincts’, so this flower has the capacity deepen our awareness of this energy centre and bring it into balance. The expression of compassion released through the heart becomes pure when we connect more deeply with these drives because we instinctively understand what needs to be done for ourselves or others in order to feel nurtured and survive. This enhances our sense of connection with others and deepens our quality of relationship.

In meditation I feel the rhododendron develops our compassionate instincts, deepens our experience of connection with others and offers us a motherly sense of protection in the process. It can support us through difficult cycles as it understands that aspect of cyclic feminine wisdom that with life also comes death and that release is fundamental to growth. It knows how to help us like a midwife instinctively guides a mother through the process of giving birth.

The following is not a remedial suggestion but I do feel that working with its it’s energy has the capacity to ease the psychological drivers behind female fertility issues, hormonal imbalances and challenging female cycles, as well as all aspects of the birthing process and caring for the child. These are all aspects associated the sacral chakra and the female process. It’s energy also reminds me of the Empress in the tarot, who is forever fertile, motherly and abundant.


Sarah x


Personal Energy Readings available – contact us to book today.

The energy of the landscape always fascinates me. I am curious as to how it creates the people and culture that reside within it. To me the landscape feels like the foundations of Earthly soul cultures, and we as human beings are vessels to express the energy held within it to some degree. I also feel that we are drawn to where we need to reside on earth depending on what we need to work with in this incarnation and that different landscapes support us in developing different soul traits.

I’ve lived in Scotland all my life, although my parents are English and I have a lot of Central European genetics in my ancestry.

I have always felt that Scotland has a lot of light. It’s has a playful, clear, almost mischievous sparkle when it’s flowing freely, and it can support us in an active expression of our truth. The nature of this light is more delicate than Scotland’s rugged mountains suggest, although it’s unrefined terrain gives it an authentic quality that is fundamental to its influence. It unapologetically confronts us with its own truth and in that aspect the landscape embodies an immense integrity and strength that we can experience when we choose to work with it’s energy.

My sense is that souls come to this landscape particularly to clear the heart and lungs. The cold fresh hudmidity deeply cleanses the emotional body and brings a mental clarity that creates the space for to make clear hearted decisions and find a true direction forwards. It holds the energy of freshness and fresh beginnings and it helps us to manifest these by cleansing our being on every level so we can find clarity of spirit, build courage and actively follow our heart.

I recognise the energy of the Ascended Master Hilarion working through this land – he has a cleansing energy and supports us in finding ‘the truth, the way and the light’. With a scientific approach, he also helps us to recognise universal truths and experience the freedom that they bring. The Hermit in the Tarot could be also seen as an expression of Hilarion in that he is an inner guide that encourages us to go within to seek our truth so we can actively express it in the world.

In the same way, the energy of the Scottish landscape can support us in going within to confront and release what is not true for us so that we may connect with others and live life from a more authentic, wholesome space. It’s energy acts particularly on the heart chakra and has a capacity to purge and transmute old grief. It inspires strength through authenticity, and brings about freedom through supporting us in active love.



The energy of a landscape can be worked with through photos, a map or visualisation. All that is required is that it enters into your attention if you wish to invite its energy to work with you.


Sarah xx


Image Credit: Bjorn Snelders


If you would like a reading on your landscape and how it influences you, CLICK HERE to book today.

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In this video I have a chat about how clarity contributes to the process of manifestation. I also consider ways in which we can become more clear and present so that manifestation flows in with ease.

There are two key questions to ask:

Where do our desires come from – are they really in alignment with who we are or are they inherited programmes from the external world?

How can we let go of any inherited programming  so that we can receive and manifest what is truly in aligment with our full being in the present moment?

Watch the video for full content!

Thanks for watching!

In this video I work on:

– Grounding
– Balancing the Energy Body with Sacred Geometry
– Clearing the Throat Chakra
– Balancing Ego
– Enhancing the Ability to Receive
– Connecting with Light Beings
– Aligning ‘my will’, with ‘thy will’

Take some time to relax as you listen – the energy runs without you having to try. This work will run deeper the more you can allow it to just wash over you. The words are also not important – avoid the struggle to understand and allow yourself to be fully in your experience.

Let me know how you get on!

Sarah xx

In this video I work to clear old grief and trauma from the lungs for the collective. The lungs are traditionally thought to be where old emotional experiences of grief are stored according to chinese medicine. By focussing your attention on this area you can begin to clear any old emotional programmes stored in that space. This not only brings about freedom for you but also for a wider collective.

I work to clear any blocks to communication from the heart, and I then I run the energy of some sacred geometry patterns to help you ground, connect with your root chakra and inhance your intuition.

As always with my work just relax and allow the energy of this video to work for you. The words have energy behind them that runs without needing to be understood. Just being present with yourself as I work in this video will allow the work to happen for you.

Let me know how this was for you!

Sarah xx