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In an Akashic Healing session, I read your light to see the stories that your soul has carried forward from its journey. As karmic information is brought into consciousness, cycles can be broken to liberate you to create a life that you prefer.
If you would like insight into a repetitive life pattern, a relationship, or new life path, Akashic Healing can help. It can bring in a deeper sense of balance and focus so that you can act from a place of deeper freedom, clarity and alignment.
I hold a space for energy to clear as I read, which means sessions can have an effect on your general sense of wellbeing. It is a good idea to leave yourself some space to rest after your session so the work can fully integrate.
Past life memories held within the soul affect how we experience our world today. They create the lens through which we see the world. These memories come from a pool of collective programming as far back as the ancient civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria and beyond.
Often, they are a supportive influence in our experience. At other times, our response to them can restrict the expression of our true light. Akashic Healing creates a space where these memories can be fully integrated. This can create clarity, grounding and transformation into many areas of life.
Sessions are via Zoom video call and last 45 minutes.
“I find Sarah’s energy healing sessions of great value to both my mind and body. The work she is doing translates positively to many aspects of my life. I was amazed during our first session and I never looked back. Our sessions are helping me become more confident, connected and happier within. I highly recommend her work”
Margaret W, UK
“Sarah’s work with me was full of compassion and understanding. She brought to light searing issues from my past which have walked with me all my life. Now I think I can work with them more consciously with a view to being free of them, and to move towards a lighter life. I can recommend her work to anybody interested in understanding themselves more fully, and in bringing in some real change to their lives.”