Awakening with the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records became a more conscious area of exploration for me after a life transformation. Despite having worked with energy therapies for several years, I had no context to place the experience I was having. This lead me to question my experience at a much deeper level.

After a long period of self exploration I began to receive answers through the Akashic Records that brought an immediate rise in consciousness. The trauma I was experiencing was immediately transmuted and I was able to ground more completely into my experience.

I eventually I realised that I was ‘one’ with the Akashic Records and that they ‘ran’ within me all the time. I had been working with them for far longer than I thought. I also realised that I am literally a product of them and, most importantly, how I worked with them influenced how I evolved.

For me, the Akashic records have never been a place to visit and retrieve information, instead I experience them as everywhere around and within us. They are the memories of the ‘past’ and the ‘future’ all existing in the present. As I became more open to receive, stories would play out like movies in my mind in energy healing sessions. I found that acknowledging them brought a deeper level of clarity and grounding for my clients.


What are the Akashic Records?


The Akashic Records are the matrix – a universal collective web of memory that can either entangle or fuel us, depending on how we perceive ourselves within it.

Energy is a neutral force. Any energy that is fuelling an experience of trauma can be redirected into a supportive energy source. When we neutralise our response to any memories of trauma, they become points from which we can receive the most light. They hold potential for our deepest transformation as they show us how to become free.

Our memories are not limited to this lifetime, or this physical 3D reality – we are much vaster than we can intellectually understand. When we give ourselves permission to truly experience our vastness as a feeling in the body, we can evolve into a clearer expression of who we truly are.

Memory influences what we manifest for ourselves as it creates our experience of the world. Working with information in the Akashic Records can help us to bring balance to memories that may be driving us to create what we don’t prefer. When we do this in an open, non-judgemental way and through the expereince of the body, triggers become neutralised and our perception of our world changes.

We can let go of everything that is not aligned within by connecting with a frequency and experience of truth, which is always a point of neutrality. This liberates us to become conscious of ourselves in a new light.


Taking Your First Steps in the Akashic Records

We are constantly being reminded so that we can resolve and heal Akashic energy imbalances. Karma is not a bad thing – it is actually part of our life force – but that’s a discussion for another post.

Our thoughts are memories that are triggered in the present by interactions that we have with the external world.

If you feel like you’ve met a stranger before, you probably have. If you feel like you’ve visited a new place before, you probably have. There is nothing in the entire fabric of this universe that you have not already encountered, from the past or the future, as it all already lives within you. When you begin to explore how that energy dynamic works within you, you can begin to balance the energies from that experience.

Three of the biggest hurdles to connecting with the Akashic Records are probably letting go of the ideas that:

☐ Memory is only about the past.

☐ Memory only exists from this lifetime.

☐ We exist solely on a third dimensional plane.

Imaginations are also memories. If these imaginations are not of our deep past, they are often of the future. We can see this so clearly when the fantasies of popular fictions become real decades later.

A good place to start working with the Akashic Records is to ask yourself what you are reminded of. For example:

What feelings, images or responses does a place, object, person or space bring up for you?

Your internal response, and exploring your relationship to that, will give you all that you need.

The answers are not something that need to be grasped for – they already exist within us and they are part of our experience. When we are open to receive, the Akashic Records that are right for us to access will drop into our laps. Learning to watch our responses in the immediacy of the moment from a more objective, non-judgemental place is the first step to working with the Akashic Records.


Why work in the Akashic Records?

Our healing journey is not separate from the world around us – we are part of an interconnected ecosystem. The more conscious we become of how interdependent we are with every aspect of our world is, the deeper we heal any experience of separation.

Memory is also not a personal thing – we have chosen to experience ourselves from a particular set of perspectives in this lifetime, but these perspectives are aspects of a whole. They are part of a larger energy dynamic and unified consciousness.

Working with the Akashic Records helps us to acknowledge the energy patterns from ancient wounds so healing and transmutation can occur. As we take deeper responsibility for our own healing process, we help the world around us by choosing to become whole.

By neutralising our responses to situations at the deepest level, we integrate what we have projected onto our ‘external’ environment. This allows us to reclaim any energy that we may have lost in these projections. In our Akashic remembrance we can become more consciously whole and hold a space for the deepest aspects of ourselves to become integrated.

Working with our Akashic Records can also heighten our awareness of the gifts that we deliver to others. When we neutralize our subconscious responses we fall more deeply into our natural alignment. TIn this letting go, we can bring the wisdom of our many incarnations into our experience. From this space we can share our gifts simply through our presence, without even having to try.

Bringing the light of consciousness to what is buried deep within creates a space for personal transformation, frees us from old shackles and helps us to manifest anew. In our remembrance we can gain a heightened sense of clarity and deeper sense connection in this moment, by acknowledging the truth of our experience – get in touch to book a session if you would like to explore more about how this works for you.

I’ve also found that there is a deep Akashic undercurrent to all life events. This is relevant to the enjoyable ones, as well as the challenges. Karma drives what we create – it is the urge to express and exist as we are. I’ve written a separate blog post that shares my experience of this – ‘A Note on Karma’, which can be found here.

Ultimately, with difficult life experiences in particular, we are being asked to transmute pain that already exists within. Often these are repetitive cycles that are asking for consciousness and release. Its only ourselves that can hold us back here. When we clear our internal resistance by neutralizing our response to memory, life can flow freely and feed back to us in the most nourishing way.

