03 Jul Lunar Eclipse Energy Report 5th July 2020
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse Energy Report
This eclipse cycle and season comes to an end with the full moon and lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 5th 2020.
It feels like a time to be extra gentle with ourselves as our planetary energy shifts into a new timeline. Take time to rest if needed, and be patient with any bursts of irritation or fatigue. Something that began back in July 2018 may also come to a resolve as this series of eclipses comes to completion.
This lunar eclipse is trine Uranus and opposite Mercury, which means that the unexpected may arise and communication could be challenging.
When I look at this full moon I see a lot of orange light being released. As the Sacral Chakra’s colour, orange has the capacity to integrate the etheric body with the physical so we can heal, ground and integrate our experiences through our body sensations.
The etheric body becomes dislodged from the physical when we try to escape feeling or sensation in times of trauma. When this is severe it can result in what we know as shock. Meditating on orange can help to integrate our etheric energy back into the physical so we can effectively process our experience and stay connected to the earth.
As it is relates to the Sacral Chakra, Orange also relates to the subconscious and karmic memory. It is deeply detoxifying and clears on many levels.
The release of orange light I see with this lunar eclipse is about letting go of memories held within an old timeline. For me, this full moon is about releasing the shock and trauma of an old timeline that has come to its fruition and one that we can no longer grow within.
As we move forward some chaos may ensue while we release into this beginning. The purpose of this experience is to teach us to find a deeper connection with our authenticity in the present so we can hold our ground more firmly within change.
Allowing ourselves to have pleasure through the physical is the answer to being grounded in this experience. Being in the body and staying in touch with bodily needs through movement and attention to energy levels will connect us with the earth and and help us to go with the flow as we enter new territory.
For personal Energy Reports and Akashic Reading & Healing please contact us.